Download 2 Days & 1 Night Season 4 Episode 250 Subtitle Indonesia

By | Januari 20, 2025

Sinopsis 1 Night 2 Days Season 4 (2024):

1 Night 2 Days juga dikenal sebagai 2 Days & 1 Night; disingkat 1N2D adalah acara varietas-realitas yang ditayangkan di jaringan KBS2. 1N2D adalah salah satu segmen pada acara Happy Sunday. Hingga saat ini, 1N2D telah mengalami beberapa pergantian anggota dan kini menjalani musim ketiganya.

Anggota tetap saat ini adalah Kim Jong-min, Cha Tae-hyun, Kim Joon-ho, Defconn, Yoon Shi-yoon, dan Jung Joon-young. Konsep acara ini adalah Real wild road variety di mana para anggotanya menjelajahi Korea Selatan untuk merekomendasikan pemirsa sejumlah tempat menarik di negara tersebut.

1 Night 2 Days mendapat banyak popularitas dan mendapat peringkat kepemirsaan yang tinggi. Bersama dengan The Return of Superman, musim ketiga acara ini membantu menjaga peringkat acara KBS2 Happy Sunday, mengalahkan persaingan dari jaringan besar lainnya sejak episode pertama.

TV Show: 2 Days & 1 Night Season 4
Native Title: 1박 2일 시즌4
Also Known As: 2D1N , 1 Night 2 Days , 1N2D , 2 Days 1 Night , Two Days and One Night , 1Bak 2 Il
Genres: Food, Adventure, Comedy
Country: South Korea
Episodes: 260
Aired: Dec 8, 2019 – ?
Aired On: Sunday
Duration: 1 hr. 20 min.

Download 2 Days & 1 Night Season 4 Subtitle Indonesia

Source & Encoder,,

Episode 207
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freed | Userdrive | Lstream | Ubank | Vidguar | Krakefiles | Send | Upstrem | Gofile | Mega | Terabox | Mirror | Streaming
540p (RAW) : Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Upstream | Ubank | Vidguard | Streaming
720p (RAW) : Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Upstream | Ubank | Vidguard | Streaming
Downsub | Subscene

Episode 208
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Upfiles | Freedl | Userdrive | Lstream | Ubank | TeraBox | Krakenfiles | Mirrored | Mixdrop | Goofile | Sendcm | MegaUp | Streaming
540p (RAW) : Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Upstream | Ubank | Vidguard | Streaming
720p (RAW) : Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Upstream | Ubank | Vidguard | Streaming
Downsub | Subscene

Episode 209
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Upfiles | Freed | Userdrive | LStream | Ubank | Terabox | Krakenfiles | Mirror | Mixdrop | Goofile | Sendcm | MegaUp | Streaming
540p (RAW) : Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Upstream | Vidguard | Streaming
720p (RAW) : Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Upstream | Vidguard | Streaming
Downsub | Subscene

Episode 210
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Krakefiles | Send | Upstream | Gofile | Mega | Terabox | Mirror | Streaming
540p (RAW) : Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Upstream | Streaming
720p (RAW) : Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Upstream | Streaming
Downsub | Subscene

Episode 211
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Terabox | Krakefiles | Upstrem | Mirror | Gofile | MegaUp | Send | Gdrive | Streaming
540p (RAW) : Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Upstream | Streaming
720p (RAW) : Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard| Upstream | Streaming
Downsub | Subscene

Episode 212
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Krakefiles | Sendcm | Upstream | Gofile | Mirrored | Terabox | Streaming
540p (RAW) : Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Upstream | Streaming
720p (RAW) : Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Upstream | Streaming
Downsub | Subscene

Episode 213
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | SendCM | Krakefiles | GDrive | Gofile | MegaUp | Terabox | Mirror | Streaming
540p (RAW) : Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Upstream | Streaming
720p (RAW) : Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Upstream | Streaming
Downsub | Subscene

Episode 214
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | SendCM | Krakefiles | TeraBox | Filemoon | Mirror | GDrive | Filecrypt | Streaming
540p (RAW) : Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Upstream | Streaming
720p (RAW) : Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Upstream | Streaming
Downsub | Subscene

Episode 215
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | SendCM | Krakefiles | TeraBox | Filemoon | Mirror | GDrive | Filecrypt | Streaming
540p (RAW) : Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubaank | Vidguuard | Streaming
720p (RAW) : Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubaank | Vidguuard | Streaming
Downsub | Subscene

Episode 216
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freed | Userdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguar | Sendcm | Krakefiles | TeraBox | Filemoon | Mirror | GDrive | Filecrypt | Streaming
540p (RAW) : Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Tera | Streaming
720p (RAW) : Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Tera | Streaming
Downsub | Subscene

Episode 217
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Sendcm | Krakefiles | Gofile | Filemoon | Filecrypt | Acefile | TeraBox | Streaming
540p (RAW) : Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Tera | Streaming
720p (RAW) : Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Tera | Streaming
Downsub | Subscene

Episode 218
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freed | Users | Lstream | Ubank | Vidguar | Sendcm | Krakefiles | TeraBox | Filemoon | Mirror | Acefile | Filecrypt | Streaming
540p (RAW) : Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Tera | Streaming
720p (RAW) : Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Tera | Streaming
Downsub | Subscene

Episode 219
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Sendcm | Krakefiles | | Acefile | Mirror | GDrive | Filecrypt | Streaming
540p (RAW) : Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Tera | Streaming
720p (RAW) : Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Tera | Streaming
Downsub | Subscene

Episode 220
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Sendcm | Krakefiles | | Acefile | Mirror | GDrive | Filecrypt | Streaming
540p (RAW) : Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Tera | Streaming
720p (RAW) : Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Tera | Streaming
Downsub | Subscene

Episode 221
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Sendcm | Krakefiles | | Acefile | Mirror | GDrive | Filecrypt | Streaming
540p (RAW) : Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Tera | Streaming
720p (RAW) : Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | LStream | Ubank | Vidguard | Tera | Streaming
Downsub | Subscene

Episode 222
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | LStream | Ubank | TeraBox | Krakenfiles | SendCM | Gofile | Mirror | Mega | Acefile | Filecrypt | | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | LStream | Ubank | TeraBox | Krakenfiles | SendCM | Gofile | Mirror | Mega | Acefile | Filecrypt | | Streaming
540p (RAW) : Upfiles | Freedl | LStream | Ubank | Streaming
720p (RAW) : Upfiles | Freedl | LStream | Ubank | Streaming
Downsub | Subscene

Episode 223
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | Pixeldrain | Krakenfiles | SendCM | Gofile | Mirror | Mega | Acefile | Filecrypt | | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | Pixeldrain | Krakenfiles | SendCM | Gofile | Mirror | Mega | Acefile | Filecrypt | | Streaming
540p (RAW) : Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank
720p (RAW) : Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank
Downsub | Subscene

Episode 224
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | TeraBox | Krakenfiles | SendCM | Gofile | Mirrored | MegaJp | Acefile | | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | TeraBox | Krakenfiles | SendCM | Gofile | Mirrored | MegaUp | Acefile | | Streaming
540p (RAW) : Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank
720p (RAW) : Freedl | Userdrive | Ubank | Sendcm
Downsub | Subscene

Episode 225
360p : Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | Krakenfile | Gofile | Gdrive | Terabox | Megaup | Hexupload
540p (RAW): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank

Episode 226
360p : Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | Krakenfile | Gofile | Gdrive | Terabox | Megaup | Hexupload
540p (RAW): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank

Episode 227
360p (Hardsub Indo): LStream | Teraboox | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | Krakenfile | Gofile | Megaup | Hexupload
540p (RAW): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank

Episode 228
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | LStream | Krakenfile | Gofile | MegaupTerabox | Gdrive
540p (RAW): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | LStream

Episode 229
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | LStream | Krakenfile | Gofile | MegaupTerabox | Hexupload | Send
540p (RAW): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | LStream

Episode 230
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | DUploads | Krakenfile | GofileMegaup | Gdrive | Terabox
540p (RAW): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | DUploads

Episode 231
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | Send | DUploads | Krakenfile | Gofile | Megaup | Terabox | Gdrive
540p (RAW): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | Send | DUploads

Episode 232
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | Send | UploadZap | Vidguard| Krakenfile | Gofile | Megaup | Terabox | Gdrive
540p (RAW): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | Send | UploadZap | Vidguard

Episode 233
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | UploadZap | LStream | Krakenfile | Gofile | Megaup | Terabox | Gdrive
540p (RAW): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | UploadZap | LStream

Episode 234
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | UploadZap | LStream | Krakenfile | Gofile | Megaup | Terabox | Gdrive
540p (RAW): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | UploadZap | LStream

Episode 235
360p (Hardsub Indo): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | UploadZap| Datanodes | Krakenfile | Gofile | Megaup | Terabox | Gdrive
540p (RAW): Upfiles | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | UploadZap

Episode 236
360p (Hardsub Indo): DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | IDrive | Send | Krakenfile | Gofile | Megaup | Gdrive
540p (RAW): DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | IDrive | Send

Episode 237
360p (Hardsub Indo): DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | IDrive | Send | Krakenfiles | Terabox | Gofile | Mirrored | MegaUp | Acefile | | Streaming
540p (RAW) : DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | IDrive | Send

Episode 238
360p (HARDSUB INDO): DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | IDrive | Send| Acefile | Krakenfiles | Goofile | MegaUp | TeraBox | Mirrored | Streaming
720p (HARDSUB INDO): DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | IDrive | Send| Acefile | Krakenfiles | Goofile | MegaUp | TeraBox | Mirrored | Streaming
540p (RAW/TANPA SUB): DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | IDrive | Send
720p (RAW/TANPA SUB): DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | IDrive | Send

Episode 239
360p (HARDSUB INDO): DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | IDrive | Send | Acefile | Krakenfiles | Goofile | MegaUp | TeraBox | Mirrored | Streaming
540p (RAW/TANPA SUB): DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | IDrive | Send
720p (RAW/TANPA SUB): DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | IDrive | Send

Episode 240
360p (HARDSUB INDO): DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | UFlare | Send | Acefile | Krakenfiles | Goofile | MegaUp | TeraBox | Mirrored | Streaming
540p (RAW/TANPA SUB): DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | UFlare | Send
720p (RAW/TANPA SUB): DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | UFlare | Send

Episode 241
360p (HARDSUB INDO): DUploads | Freedl | Usedrive | Ubank | Katfile | UFlare | Send | Datanode | Krakenfiles | Goofile | MegaUp | TeraBox | Mirrored | Streaming
540p (RAW/TANPA SUB): DUpload | Freedl | Usedrive | Uban | Katfile | UFlare | Send
720p (RAW/TANPA SUB): DUpload | Freedl | Usedrive | Uban | Katfile | UFlare | Send

Episode 242
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Upfiles | DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | Katfile | UFox | Send | Datanode | Krakenfiles | Goofile | Mega | TeraBox | Mirror | Streaming
540p (TANPA SUB): Upfile | DUploads | Freed | Userdrive | Uban | Katfile | UFox | Send
720p (TANPA SUB): Upfile | DUploads | Freed | Userdrive | Uban | Katfile | UFox | Send

Episode 243
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Upfiles | Dupload | Freed | Userdrive | Ubank | Files | UFox | Send | Datanode | Krakenfiles | Goofile | Mega | TeraBox | Mirror | Streaming
540p (TANPA SUB): Upfiles | DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | FilesP | UFox | Send
720p (TANPA SUB): UpfilesDUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | FilesP | UFox | Send

Episode 244
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Upfiles | DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | FilesP | UFox | Send | Datanode | Krakenfiles | Goofile | Mega | TeraBox | Mirror | Streaming
540p (TANPA SUB): Upfiles | DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | FilesP | UFox | Send
720p (TANPA SUB): Upfiles | DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | FilesP | UFox | Send

Episode 245
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Upfiles | DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | FilesP | Send | Datanode | Krakenfiles | Goofile | Mega | TeraBox | Mirror | Streaming
540p (TANPA SUB): Upfiles | DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | FilesP | Send
720p (TANPA SUB): Upfiles | DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | FilesP | Send

Episode 246
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Upfiles | DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | FilesP | Send | Datanode | Krakenfiles | Goofile | Mega | TeraBox | Mirror | Streaming
540p (TANPA SUB): Upfiles | DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | FilesP | Send
720p (TANPA SUB): Upfiles | DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | FilesP | Send

Episode 247
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Katfile | DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | FilesP | Send | Datanode | Krakenfiles | Goofile | Mega | TeraBox | Mirror | Streaming
540p (TANPA SUB): Katfile | DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | FilesP | Send
720p (TANPA SUB): Katfile | DUploads | Freedl | Usersdrive | Ubank | FilesP | Send

Episode 248
360p (HARDSUB INDO): FilesP | Freedl | DUploads | Usersdrive | Ubank | Katfile | Send | Gofile | Datanode | Krakenfiles | Mega | TeraBox | Mirror | Streaming
540p (TANPA SUB): FilesP | Freedl | DUpload | Users | Ubank | Katfile | Send | Gofile
720p (TANPA SUB): FilesP | Freedl | DUpload | Users | Ubank | Katfile | Send | Gofile

Episode 249
360p (HARDSUB INDO): FilesP | Freedl | DUploads | Usersdrive | Ubank | Katfile | Send | Gofile | Datanode | Krakenfiles | Mega | TeraBox | Mirror | Streaming
540p (TANPA SUB): Files | Freedl | DUpload | Userdrive | Uban | Katfile | Send | Gofile
720p (TANPA SUB): Files | Freedl | DUpload | Userdrive | Uban | Katfile | Send | Gofile

Episode 250
360p (HARDSUB INDO): FilesP | Freedl | DUploads | Usersdrive | Ubank | Katfile | Send | Gofile | Datanode | Krakenfiles | Mega | TeraBox | Mirror | Streaming
540p (TANPA SUB): Files | Freedl | DUpload | Userdrive | Ubank | Katfile | Send | Gofile
720p (TANPA SUB): Files | Freedl | DUpload | Userdrive | Ubank | Katfile | Send | Gofile

5 thoughts on “Download 2 Days & 1 Night Season 4 Episode 250 Subtitle Indonesia

  1. Helen

    Tolong dengan hormat subtitle nya kak… Saya tunggu hanya tonton ini yg saya tunggu tiap Minggu
    Pdhl udh episode 229
    My sibling romance jg tolong subtitle nya

  2. Sahel

    Setiap hari saya buka 2 day 1 night msh belum ada subtitle nya
    Tolong dgn hormat update subtitle nya 🙏🙏🙏

  3. syahar banu

    Kapan update subtitle 2 day 1 night lg skrg udh September udh episode 237 loh min
    Mohon dong update subtitle nya ini kesukaan saya nonton ini. Soalnya saya selalu download di sini gak pernah di aplikasi lain

  4. Frisca Vitria Perkasa

    ka tolong dong eps 255 segera di upload, nunggu lama bgt huhuuu. bolak balik liat ini blm juga ada


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